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Parents why you should get off your phones now! 

Parents, this is very important. We need your buy in. We know its very hard…… leave your phone alone and step away.

Yes, we’re serious. Please take a minute, relax and deep breaths.  

I promise now, at the end of this article, to turn off my technology and go and interact with my children.    

Signed: You   

Technology is great in so many ways but when it rules you then it’s not so great, is it? Take a moment and think about technology v your children. Which do you value most? Most people will say their children but then ask yourself, which do you spend most time with?

Be honest, its technology, isn’t it?  

You’re not alone.  Look around and you’ll see parents across the world engaging with technology and not their children. We all do it, you’re not alone but let’s make a conscious effort to break the cycle.  

Make a note to come off technology for an hour and engage with your children.  

You don’t have to spend money just quality time.   

Playing together, enjoying time together. Having fun.   

You may not find this easy but it is rewarding to you and your family.  

Learn to reconnect with your children, be silly, laugh scream shout and embarrass yourself.

Rediscover what a great game hide and seek is.

For Teenage children its going to be more challenging. Entering their world is bemusing at best but try you must.

You might have to do some horse trading and research a new language.  How to connect with your teenage children.

This can feel more than a little daunting and the last thing you want to do but try you must.

Their technology can be a great way in. Remember this is about you coming off your phone and engaging with your children. Ideally yes you all have a break but this may just create arguments, better to engage on their terms.

How we’ve used technology to interact with our children.   Done;                                                                                                                                                           

Watched endless, pointless videos of children opening presents, watching children, watching videos of opening presents (what is the attraction here??).    

Played a game I didn’t understand, couldn’t operate properly and achieved a (children laughing loudly) beyond embarrassing status (apparently).   

Felt completely out of my depth. 

Made a skin, that I thought looked pretty fire (good) but was actually sh!t

Felt I would rather be (insert) than doing this. 

But, afterwards it felt like we had connected and engaged.  I’d done (terribly) something they like. I’d made them laugh and smile.  It felt good. I’m never going to be a gamer but that is not the point.  

Its worth the effort. Make time and please try not to be that parent that values reading social media updates more than their child’s attention. You may think you don’t do that but watch your behaviour. Think of it another way and allocate 30 minutes in your day to look at your phone, the rest is yours and your families.

Ok so we are at the end of the article.  

By reading this article you accepted the terms and conditions of a binding contract.   

You must, turn off your technology, seek out your children and engage, play, laugh, cry, interact, have fun, be human, tune in, tune out. Leave your comfort zone. Forget about social media updates. Concentrate and listen to your children.

This shouldn’t be a one off. Make this a regular part of your life.

You and your family will be all be better for it.

Once you’ve done this we’d love to hear from you. and share your story.

Then you can read How to be the perfect parents.

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