About Us

Cosy Chats was born from our personal experience. Of wanting to be parents going through IVF. IVF took over our life. It drained us emotionally and physically. We were offered counselling but just wanted to speak to someone who got it, had been through it. Someone I could say its really sh.t at the moment and they’d understand, wouldn’t judge, would listen. Not shut us down or gossip. Where we wouldn’t be burden or cause worry

Just a simple conversation, that would be everything. Then carry on with the roller coaster that is IVF.

As we became parents through Adoption we saw lots of parents around us struggling. People surrounded by friends family, support groups and forums but still isolated and feeling they don’t have a voice, weren’t being heard.

Schools not getting it, not understanding, not being accommodating. One size fits all not fitting our children.

Not getting the support they and their children deserve. Fighting for EHCP’s only to wonder what progress they’d really made. One mountain leads to another. Exhausting.

CosyChats.com is designed to do good. Really it is. Its a place to find someone you can talk to. Someone who has been through it. Is brave enough to share, yes this has happened to me, to our family. We get it. Someone who is going through or been through, the same parenting journey you are. Who understands how challenging parenting can be.

How hard it is to get anxious children to bed. To sleep. Not to be scared.
How difficult teenage years can be.
How life changing parenting can be, both positive and not so and that its ok to feel this.

Someone who will listen, not judge, not gossip but share their experience.

We, you, are not alone. Together we are stronger.

CosyChats.com is designed to provide a platform to enable you to book a session(s) with someone who will listen. We hope you browse our service providers and find one you feel could be be beneficial to you. We hope you find your voice and be heard. Whether that’s through CosyChats.com or not.

Our vision is to have a charity that sits along side CosyChats.com, that promotes parenting issues, challenges governments and fights for parents and children’s rights. That is a voice and force for good and change.

That’s our vision. We hope you see the same thing.

Tim Evans, founder CosyChats.com

 There is a rather famous quote  

About Us Cosychats

This rather sums up our life journey and especially of having and bringing up children. Think about younger you, what advice would you offer. The life experience older you would share and how valuable this would be.  

Then how much someone else’s life experience could help you. How you can learn from their mistakes and experience, so you make better choices.  

There is no set formula for bringing up children. Each child is unique. No parents are perfect, but the experience of others can be very useful.  

This was certainly our experience. Some real light bulb moments came from conversations with other people where they didn’t know our children, weren’t close to us, our family or friends.  They just recognised the problem and shared their experience.  

It’s really good to have a conversation in the knowledge it wouldn’t

be repeated and wouldn’t be judged.  

About Us Cosychats

That’s how www.CosyChats.Com was born. A place that allows parents and would be parents, to receive help from the experience and wisdom of people who had been through it.  People who’ve reached their limit, laughed, cried and come out the other end (reasonably) sane.      

People you don’t know. Who won’t judge you and turn you and your family into an item of gossip.    

Cosychats.Com is borne from the desire to make a difference, to our lives and those of other people.  A desire to do and promote good.  To enable this, we have built CosyChats.com. To allow ordinary and qualified people to share their experience and knowledge, for the benefit of others. 

We hope to help as many people as possible and help to change people’s feeling of asking for and receiving help. 

We want to promote the idea that its ok to ask for help. To make getting help as normal as any other service. We thought about this and realised that in our lives some of the best, most effective and beneficial help we’ve received has come from people who’ve been through the same thing we were going through. 

Remember life can be challenging but not impossible.

How you can help? 

We’d love you to join us and there’s lots of ways you can help: 

Register as a Service Provider and to share your knowledge and experience to help others and if you wish, provide yourself with an income, 

Gift help to someone who needs it. If you know someone who is struggling, book a Service Provider who can share their knowledge and experience to help, 

Spread the word of CosyChats.com and helping, please tell you friends and family.  

If you see someone who needs help, help them.   

People struggle in silence. Afraid to admit their limitations and shortcomings. There can be a (valid) fear of not wanting to share problems with friends and family. Of being judged, inviting unwanted help and attention, becoming the topic of gossip or having to admit ‘failure’ and share your family life.   

It’s difficult asking for help, especially from people around you. If you see or think someone is struggling (or even if you don’t) book a session on www.cosychats.com for them. This may give them the opportunity and route to making their lives better.   

Let us know. We’d love to hear from you.  


CosyChats.com is based in Hornchurch, Essex. UK 

We’re a family who spend as much time as we can together, hopefully enjoying ourselves but coping with life as best we can. We have children who can act like adults and adults who often act like children. We scream, we cry, we laugh, we joke we argue. A typical family you might say.  

We’d love to share photos but we can’t. Our children are adopted. They are beautiful and amazing but also come with many challenges and history.

About Us Cosychats

So we thought we’d share a picture of ducks, who doesn’t love ducks?

Its either a beautiful family together or a parent looking unsuccessfully for some peace and quiet. You decide.

Cosychats.com is committed to giving back and so at least 10% of our profits are donated to charity.  (if we ever make any:).

Company Information  

CosyChats.Com is owned by a UK registered Ltd company.  

Out of Darkness Comes Light Ltd, Company Number 08812437. Registered address, Byways House, Ardleigh Green Road, Hornchurch, Essex, RM11 2LE