Tag Archives: holidays

Amazing things to do with your children.

Spending quality time with your children can be difficult. Their world and what they like, probably isn’t the same as your world and what you like. You need to come out of your comfort zone and not expect them to like the things you like.

1.Make silly videos.  

Amazing things to do with your children. Cosychats

This is a wonderful way of being creative and silly and it embraces your children’s favourite thing, technology.  

You can make videos anywhere but try and combine it with getting out (more things to video). Your making silly videos, not just watching them, so you have to be involved. Adding filters and animation. Be prepared to look silly and not worry too much about the results. This is a great way of interacting with your children and not being the same parent, you are 9 to 5.  

Rabbit ear filters are compulsory. Have some real fun.

Benefits. Creating great memories with your children.

Benefits. Being fun parents and not boring parents.  

Creates great memories and films of memories. Just need to set rules around social media and sharing.  

2. Mimic/be an influencer 

Amazing things to do with your children. Cosychats

Pick their favourite influencer or you tube star, and all have ago at copying them. Prize for the best one. This is serious stuff. You children will adore these characters so don’t mock them. Who wins will be important so make sure your fair.  

Benefits. Confidence building, presenting skills and may be a future career.   

3. Practice being an influencer / You tube star.  

Amazing things to do with your children. Cosychats

This is the chance for you and your children to shine. Give yourselves a bit of time to plan and prepare what you going to say and do. Film it and watch it back. This can be great fun.  Pick any topic or subject.  

Benefits. Confidence building, presenting skills and may be a future career.   

Benefit. It can be a window into your child’s mind and thoughts. Listening to your children, you might be surprised what topic they pick.   

Benefit. A great opportunity to talk.  

4. Watch them play a game, let them explain it to you. Play their game.  

Amazing things to do with your children. Cosychats

All too often children play on their games and adults don’t get involved. Children shut themselves away on the game and parents are locked out.  

Sit with your children as they play the game. Let them explain it to you. Watch and praise them. If you’re lucky they’ll offer you a go.  If they do play it. If they don’t, don’t worry too much but say it looks fun. They’ll get the hint eventually. Play the game, even if your rubbish at it and hate it. Stick with it, you don’t have to be good at it.  

Benefits. It may not feel like traditional play with your child, but you’re playing with your child at something they love.    

Benefits. You’re with your child  

5. Family Olympics 

Amazing things to do with your children. Cosychats

With all that sitting this is a great way of getting them moving. It’s amazing what fun can be had with a stopwatch.  

This can be as simple as running to a tree and back and timing it. Trying to beat times. Racing each other. Orf a bit more organised with planned games. Long jump. High Jump.  

Being competitive drives children but be prepared for the tears. It’s all part of it were afraid. We found trying to beat their own time worked well but our children love it if we get involved.  

Create an assault course, of star jumps, saying a silly phrase, head shoulders knees and toes. You don’t need lots of props just a bit of imagination.  

For older children it may be a bit harder to get them involved but a quick challenge of who’s the fastest or race you to the… may spark them into life.  

Benefits. Exercise and learning to compete, win and lose.  

Benefits. Can have prizegiving and make it fun.  

Benefits. Outside or in doors. Can you star jumps Head shoulders knees and toes on the spot.  

6. Board Games

Amazing things to do with your children. Cosychats

Technology is great but board games are a brilliant way of spending time with your children. Make time to play games together and 1 2 1.

A simple way is to start a game and let them watch and then come and play, don’t force it. There are so many games that are beneficial.

Darts for instance is fantastic way of improving maths.

Games involve strategy, planning and sometimes cunning. Makes the games age appropriate and experiment.

Charity shops are full of games.

Benefits. Real life interaction. Improving, my son through practice and lots of laughter, can regularly beat me at connect 4.

Benefits. Learning to lose. Learning what they like and what other activities games to play.


Amazing things to do with your children. Cosychats

Make the most from these experiences, and all your experiences with your children. Make the most of being with your children.  

Talk to your children. Find out what they love doing. Let them choose an activity.  

Document what you do. Happy smiling pictures of fun things look great on your living room wall. Keep those memories alive and don’t forget them when things are not going as well and your relationship maybe more strained. You should value time together.    

Spend time with your children doing what they want to do.

Allocate time every day to play with your children.  

Enjoy it!!  

We’d love to hear from you.  

Amazing things to do with your children. Cosychats