What is Cosychats?
Why use cosychats?
Can I gift a Service?
Why you should gift a Service
What is a Service Provider?
Could I be a Service Provider?
When and where can I work?
When and how do I work?
how much?
How to Register as a Service Provider
Customer booking Guide
What is CosyChats.Com?
Cosy Chats was born from our personal experience. Of wanting to be parents going through IVF. IVF took over our life. It drained us emotionally and physically. We were offered counselling but just wanted to speak to someone who got it, had been through it. Someone I could say its really sh.t at the moment and they’d understand, wouldn’t judge, would listen. Not shut us down or gossip. Where we wouldn’t be burden or cause worry
Just a simple conversation, that would be everything. Then carry on with the roller coaster that is IVF.
As we became parents through Adoption we saw lots of parents around us struggling. People surrounded by friends family, support groups and forums but still isolated and feeling they don’t have a voice, weren’t being heard.
Schools not getting it, not understanding, not being accommodating. One size fits all not fitting our children.
Not getting the support they and their children deserve. Fighting for EHCP’s only to wonder what progress they’d really made. One mountain leads to another. Exhausting.
CosyChats.com is designed to do good. Really it is. Its a place to find someone you can talk to. Someone who has been through it. Is brave enough to share, yes this has happened to me, to our family. We get it. Someone who is going through or been through, the same parenting journey you are. Who understands how challenging parenting can be.
How hard it is to get anxious children to bed. To sleep. Not to be scared.
How difficult teenage years can be.
How life changing parenting can be, both positive and not so and that its ok to feel this.
Someone who will listen, not judge, not gossip but share their experience.
We, you, are not alone. Together we are stronger.
CosyChats.com is designed to provide a platform to enable you to book a session(s) with someone who will listen. We hope you browse our service providers and find one you feel could be be beneficial to you. We hope you find your voice and be heard. Whether that’s through CosyChats.com or not.
Our vision is to have a charity that sits along side CosyChats.com, that promotes parenting issues, challenges governments and fights for parents and children’s rights. That is a voice and force for good and change.
That’s our vision. We hope you see the same thing.
Tim Evans, founder CosyChats.com
Why use CosyChats.Com?
Service Providers are real people, (this is Claudia) , who can listen, show empathy, share warmth and provide support. This is not a video, book or TV show, this is a 1 to 1 Service.
Service Providers share their experience and parenting journey. This matches your situation, your family, your individuality. The support is directly to you and your family.
Getting and receiving help from friends can be challenging and problematic. People don’t want to burden, or admit problems and failings to friends or family. There maybe a fear of being judged or becoming the subject of gossip. It can be difficult for friends and family to provide assistance, they might not have the same experience or knowledge. Advice can be taken as meddling or criticism. Tougher love is harder to give to someone your close to and have a relationship with already.
It could be easier talking to someone new. Who doesn’t know your family or friends. Who won’t judge or make you the subject of gossip. Who does have a fresh set of eyes. Can utilise their knowledge and experience. Support you directly. Share their experience specifically to your situation. Does provide a Service you take and doesn’t require anything from you. A Service can be gifted.
You are in control, you choose the Service Provider right for you and right for the situation. You book the sessions at a convenient time for you and take as little or as much time as required.
Our suggestion is to browse the Services and Service Providers to find a suitable Service Provider. Book a session and take it from there. Be honest and clear about your situation, problem and concerns.
CosyChats.Com is a based on people sharing their experience and knowledge to benefit others. If you or someone you know, situation has gone beyond this level please use our Help section. There are some amazing people out their who will listen and provide the support required. Life maybe challenging now but life is always worth living and never impossible.
Can I Gift a Service?
Yes. The booking process has the option to book for another person. Select Register at the top of this page to begin or See Customer Booking Guide.
Why Gift a Service
Gifting a Service is an amazing thing to do. Every parent could benefit from more support.
People don’t ask for help. They are embarrassed. Its easier to suffer in silence.
Some people worry they will be judged or become a subject of gossip amongst friends or family.
People don’t want to be a burden.
Gifting a Service is an amazing thing to do. Don’t wait, gift a Service now. Register, book a Service and select Booking for another person. Customer Booking Guide.
Often people who need help the most don’t ask for it. Its difficult to recognise and realise you need help when your in the thick of it. Maybe pride at having to ask for help. Maybe not wanting to ask friends or family for fear of judgement or becoming a subject of gossip.
CosyChats.Com allows you to find a Service Provider completely remote from yourselves. Who can offer a confidential service. Without fear of judgement and gossip. By gifting a session or series of sessions you are providing help without fear of meddling or interferring.
Showing you care without interfering or judging. Being that wonderful person who can make a nice gesture and gift some love.
What is a Service Provider?
Someone with life experience and knowledge. Been there and done it. Possibly with wrinkles to prove it, but not necessarily. You maybe a newer parent with more current experience. Whatever stage of your life your at, your experience and knowledge is invaluable. You can share this with other people to benefit them and yourself.
You can listen, show empathy, share your experience and deliver tough love in a compassionate way, if required. You won’t judge or gossip. You don’t need to have formal qualifications your life experience and knowledge is what you are sharing. If you can do this and want to help and speak to new people. Browse our Service Categories and Service Providers to get an insight. If your comfortable see our Join us page or Select Register at the top of the page.
Could I be one?
Potentially Yes. If you have life experience and knowledge that can be shared to benefit others.
We don’t mean you’ve been the perfect people, or parent(s), as that doesn’t exist. Every child, family and problem is different. What works for one doesn’t for another, there is no magic wand but in our experience learning from the successes and mistakes (especially) of other parents has been really beneficial for us.
So if this is you, you can listen, show empathy and share your experience and knowledge. Then Yes, you could be a Service Provider.
We don’t define what makes a good service provider. Customers issues and needs will be different. The service required will be different. You should consider your experience and knowledge. Be clear about what you can and can’t offer. What you feel comfortable with and what you don’t. Don’t overstretch or estimate your knowledge and experience. Its good to have limitations and specialise in what you know.
It might help to browse our Service Providers. Take some inspiration and assurance.
Good luck and we hope to speak to you soon.
We added some Q & A from feedback.
Q. Could I be a Service Provider?
A. Simple answer is yes (subject to the registration process and identity checks).
We believe everyone has life experience that can be shared to benefit others. This maybe as simple as having a routine for getting your children into bed and off to sleep or eating more healthily but both could benefit someone else.
Q. How does the Service work?
A. You are a Service Provider, you define when, where and for how much you will work for. You control what Services you offer. The Customer books your available time slots in order for you to share your experience.
For example you might have completed IVF, your Customer is just starting IVF and needs to have a regular catch up, as IVF is a challenging process and this will help. Or the Customer maybe struggling bringing up children and has booked a regular 20 minutes time slot to discuss that day’s events. You as the Service Provider feel able to assist as you have brought up your own children and have a wealth of knowledge and experience to share.
Q. Is there a prescribed formula for being a Service Provider or the Service offered?
A. No, each case is individual and we expect that part of being a successful Service Provider is that
you understand what is required and can communicate and share your experience effectively. As you would with a friend or family member.
The first call can sometimes be awkward, you could introduce yourself, briefly explain your
experience and ask ‘how can I help you?’
Q. I’m not sure if I would be any good? I’ve not done this before?
A. Our suggestion is that you look back in your life and judge the sort of person you are?
Are you able to comfort a friend? Identify issues and share your experience? Are you able to listen?
We would suggest these could be valuable skills but use your best judgement. Speak to friends,
family and ask for their honest opinion.
Have you helped someone with a problem before? If the answer is yes then you may well have the characteristics that would make you a success.
Q. Can I register and see if I’m suitable?
A. Absolutely. Registration is free and there is no cost for setting up on our site. We think the best way to know is to give it a try. Please be transparent when writing your bio information and when discussing your experience and skills with your customers. People appreciate honesty tend to provide more positive reviews. New and enthusiastic is a great place to start.
When and how do I work?
CosyChats.Com is a market place. We do not dictate or control when and how you work. You can be available to work as little or as much as you wish. This is your Service. You set your own Availability at times to suit you and your lifestyle.
You choose the Services you have experience and knowledge of. You can build upon this experience and knowledge in your Bio. Your shopfront.
Orders are displayed in your Order Management tab. You will also receive an email confirmation of each order. This makes it easy to know when your bookings are.
You can also block individual days (Religious holidays for example) see customer reviews and create your invoices once the Service has been provided.
For how much?
Within the Services tab you set the hourly rate you are willing to work for and so the rate at which Customers can book 1 2 1 sessions with you. Its your choice what hourly rate you set. We don’t dictate this but would suggest you review existing Service Providers to gauge what they are charging for their experience and what you are likely to achieve.
Once orders have been completed a customer invoice can be raised. Customer invoices are paid at least once a month. Customers pay in advance of the Service being provided.
I’ve decided to be a Service Provide, what do I do now?
Firstly well done you.
Select Register at the top of this page. Then Service Provider.
Service Provider Registration – Complete your details as below or use with Facebook or Google Login.
Username, is the name you log in with.
Address, DOB & Telephone, as part of the registration process we may need to contact you and may complete identity checks and confirm your registration to you in writing. We do not share or publish these details.
Social Media Login.
You can log in via the social media displayed. You will still need to complete some stages, as Social Media Login does not provide your full postal address for example.
Once completed Select Submit
Customer Booking Guide
Once you have selected your Service Provider.
What is CosyChats.Com
Cosychats.Com is borne from the desire to make a difference, to our lives and those of other people. A desire to do, and promote good. To enable this we have built CosyChats.com. To allow ordinary and qualified people to share their experience and knowledge, for the benefit of others.
We hope to help as many people as possible and help to change people’s perception of asking for, and receiving help.
For us it was the experience of IVF that lead us launch CosyChats.com. We went through the IVF process ‘blind’ and learnt the hard way.
The second time we tried IVF we were better prepared, we knew some of what to expect and were better prepared but we still lacked support through the process.
CosyChats addresses this in two ways,
enabling people to be able to make informed decisions possessing and learning from other peoples experience and having support from people who have been through the same event you are going through.
This could be as simple as not being able to get you child to bed at night or having parenting difficulties and wanting to gain the experience and support of another parent. Parenting can be very challenging especially to new parents of parents whose children had additional needs.
This can be very isolating and often you need to have lived the experience to understand it. I can explain what IVF is like to you, but to someone who’s been through, IVF, Adoption, Parenting issues, they get it immediately. They understand how isolating and difficult asking for help can be. That sometimes people who are surrounded by others (including family and friends) can be the most isolated, lonely and in need, people.
CosyChats says its ok to ask for help, to seek the experience and support of others. Its ok to reach out. Asking for help is not a weakness its the strong and sensible thing to do.
If you or someone you know needs help, make sure help is given. This may be through CosyChats or another service or person but the important thing is, help is offered and taken.
Thank you and best wishes for whatever challenge you face and we very much hope you get all the help you can.