Technology Awareness Week

Posted on September 3, 2024

Week beginning 2nd September (Recap)



Many games and other apps have chats features. Where your children can easily chat and bond with other players. While this enhances game play and enjoyment for your child it also provides an easy way for other players to easily chat with your child. They have a common bond (playing the game) and easily connect.

This has risks. bullying, grooming, influencing to name a few. Children playing technology games can be loud and annoying so the temptation is put them somewhere quiet away from you TV etc. We did that but then we moved them to within earshot. Just to monitor the conversations without being overbearing.

It was definitely a good idea. Talk to your children, educate them about sharing personal details and still being wary of strangers, even ones they regularly play games with but also take an interest in who they are talking to. Not everyone is as nice as you.

Is your son being shown extreme violence?

Firstly, is a report from the BBC concerning images and violence and extreme violence shown to teenagers. This is how social media algorithms show violence to boys

'It was 2022 and Cai, then 16, was scrolling on his phone. He says one of the first videos he saw on his social media feeds was of a cute dog. But then, it all took a turn. He says “out of nowhere” he was recommended videos of someone being hit by a car, a monologue from an influencer sharing misogynistic views, and clips of violent fights. He found himself asking - why me?'

Ofcom confirms 'Algorithms from all the major social media companies have been recommending harmful content to children, even if unintentionally, UK regulator Ofcom tells the BBC.' This can have a negative impact 'Cai says he has noticed that videos with millions of likes can be persuasive to other young men his age. For example, he says one of his friends became drawn into content from a controversial influencer - and started to adopt misogynistic views.'

As parents we need to be aware of what our children are watching. What they are being shown and the impact this has on them. Most starkly this hit home with us when our son started talking about Andrew Tate. He knew far more about him than we did and when we had a conversation, he was quoting us back and arguing that Andrew Tate was popular so must be right (and we were wrong).

Social media has many benefits, but this isn't one of them. We talk about monitoring what your child watches, but this is what they are shown. Which becomes even more difficult to police and remove that stain from their brains. Full article here Cosy Chatters have years of experience on a wide range of parenting issues and are willing to share this experience with you.


Do you know who your children are talking to online?

If you don't you should.

Imagine a group of friends you didn't know knocked on your door for your son or daughter, you'd ask a few questions, wouldn't you?

The internet's the same except there is no knock on the door they just enter your house.

They're probably absolutely fine but nice to be sure.

Take a moment to understand who your children are talking to. Listen to conversations, check phones and search history.

We're not trying to frighten anyone but for us it's good to understand who they're talking to.

Once or twice, we've had some concerns or just questioned something that didn't feel right.

We take the view better to be safe than sorry.


Are you allowing technology to replace you?

Your child is bored. You give them technology. Its so easy to do. From babies to teenagers, technology is replacing you and your encouraging it.

Next time you go to give your child technology. Don't, do something with them. Play a game. Let them help you. Cook something. Grab a coffee. Do something silly. Just don't hand them technology and let it replace you.

Sound extreme? Technology is addictive and were validating it by giving it to our children so easily, and at such early ages.


Do you know who’s educating your children?

Today ‘s lesson

Women belong to men

Men are superior

Teacher: Mr Andrew Tate

Education is blurred. Once it was school, books and TV, now its also technology.
Not every role model is positive
Not every voice positive.
You need to understand what your children are watching, what they are believing.
You need to educate your children.

Don't think your child is too young. if they can view it they can understand it.


How to finish Technology Awareness week?
Think of technology as a goblin.

Funny, cheeky and fun to play with, but also
makes things up, tells lies and isn’t a good

                              Basically you can’t trust it.   

                               Technology is your goblin

                           and its playing with your kids.